2d6 RPG – Introduction

In the 2d6 game there are no classes and no levels. Instead, characters are built specifically to players’ intentions and grow and develop organically based on their in-game experiences. Players should first choose what kind of character they want to play and should tailor their ability and feat choices to that end. In addition, there are no skills, as such. Skill checks can still be made, but they are based on ability scores and proficiencies granted through feats.

One important difference between this system and D&D is that the vast majority of game mechanics are based on rolling one or two six-sided dice (a d8 and a d12 have bit parts in the system). All checks are based on rolling 2d6. The most common result from such a roll is 7 – having a chance of happening one in six times. Critical successes and failures (double 12s and double 1s) have a one in thirty-six chance of happening – less often than in D&D, but not too uncommon. Double 12s and double 1s often lead to further 1d6 rolls that determine just how good or bad the success or failure is. Another difference is that, while rolling lower or higher than the target (Difficulty, Defence or opposed roll) is a clear-cut failure or success, matching it results in a ‘minor success’.

The standard, minor and move actions of D&D have been adapted to a more logical system of turn action points. D&D’s attacks of opportunity have been translated into a mirror system of reaction points.

There are no damage rolls in this system, hopefully streamlining combat. Also, armour functions in a different way, effectively making the wearer easier to hit, but protecting the armoured character from a lot of damage.

Personality is a part of the system, albeit a minor one. Money is handled in a D20 Modern-style system. Encumbrance has been similarly simplified.

Magic in this system is intended to be modular, to be flexible without being overly powerful. Spells are categorised into a number of disciplines (Fire Magic, Healing, Prophecy etc) and can be built from a number of basic concepts (base Difficulty, number or size of targets, duration etc).

One less tangible aspect of the game is that it is intended to prove gritty and challenging in the playing. Critical hits against characters result in life-threatening injuries, or even permanent disabilities. Although characters gain experience points continually, improving abilities and feats becomes exponentially harder – hopefully making it that much more satisfying to attain such an improvement.

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2 Responses to 2d6 RPG – Introduction

  1. endlessframe says:

    Winter is coming, and i’d love to try it out if you ever wanna come down town

  2. Well, this game is no longer running, nor even under development. I’m trying to get into gaming again, though. Have a look at this post on the Tabletop Gaming in Korea Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/tabletopkorea/461770060526291/

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