Tales of Tolvenia, Chapter Ten, Part Seven

Date: 15 November 2011. Present: Zach (Haley), Matthew (Jaren) and Eric (Goblina).

Having previously arrived at the Passage of the Kissing Snakes – so-called because of the adjacent stalactites – and scouted out a party of dwarves encamped in the further reaches of the cave with their slaves doing some mining, the party decided to try to sneak past them by mundane means and magical while also sending their dwarf guide Randak to talk to them.

Haley sneaked further than she had before, seeing the slaves and a few labourers hard at work. Jaren dragged an unco-operative Friar Rishtuk close to the dwarves guards; Goblina, who was with him, went her own way and created the illusion of a stalagmite to conceal her, Snowflake and Grushblig. She saw a magic-using dwarf and a human assistant surveying the cave walls.

Meanwhile, Randak’s interview with the husband and wife team in charge of the dwarven prospectors didn’t go too well. The woman, Migora Weldnasdaughter, demanded to see Randak’s authorisation to be in the caves. The dwarf man, Vogdor Udriksson, commanded the guards to sweep the cave for others – Jaren and Goblina managed to evade detection, however.

Eventually, the party came out of hiding and were allowed to set up camp in a branch of the cave that the mage, Murzik Izdriksson, had ruled out as having any interest at all. The dead-end had been identified by Goblina has being the location of the entrance to the balruga’s location. The party attained some privacy here and Goblina set up a further illusion, allowed Grushblig to help utter ‘Megdondarakh’ six times, temporarily dismissing the magical malachite boulder, and the party passed into the narrow cave beyond.

4 XP each.

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