Tales of Tolvenia, Chapter Nine, Part Two

Date: 23 August 2011. Present: Zach (Haley), Mike (Malack), Matthew (Jaren), Josh (Zirg), Eric (Goblina) and Andy (Dolo).

In the evening, Jaren, Zirg and Goblina, attempted separately to recruit help for their task of collecting rockflower plants from the mountains. The results were unimpressive. Everyone did a little collecting in the evening, but the gathering started in earnest the following day (Moonday 8th Felcorvary). Zirg recruited a family of goblins – the only such in dwarven Tragad – to gather, thus using up his morning. Everyone else headed straight out to the mountainsides.

Malack, Dolo and Goblina found a small number of plants. Jaren and Haley went out together with a plan. Haley, with her superior vision and good fortune spotted a couple of decent-sized rockflower patches. Jaren, using his newly developed Nature Magic, caused the plants to grow explosively, resulting in veritable carpets of verdure on the bleak mountainside. The pair returned triumphantly to the flabbergasted vintner, securing the case of twelve bottles of rockflower wine (Jaren bought himself a couple of bottles, too), which they handed over to Ilga, the jeweller, who then sold them the pink diamond necklace, which they handed over to Ethrig Alrigsson, who gave them a letter authorising the party to use the Warrens.

The party was brought back to town in the afternoon, and, with their guide, Enthorgond Brakborgondsson (who is a dwarf, not an arthropod), set off into the tunnel system known as the Valthaxu Warrens shortly afterwards. During the first day, the party passed another group, dwarves coming from Turingsdag, the party’s initial destination. They told them that an elf with four others had been in Turingsdag a few days ago and that he was heading north-west to Huntholm.

During the following day, still in the Warrens, Haley suddenly heard a hissing, popping noise. She alerted Enthorgond, who told everyone to take a deep breath and hold it. Everyone did so. A moment later, all the torches went out, leaving only the goblins and the dwarves able to see with their low-light vision. A further moment later, the party was set upon by a clutch of juvenile choke beasts.

Being at the head of the party, Enthorgond took the brunt of their attack. Dolo bulled forwards through his companions and attempted to attack – in vain. Zirg gathered Anima for spells. Goblina quick-cast a light spell. Jaren shouted ‘What the hell is going on?’

Find out if anyone answers him next week in Chapter Nine, Part Three of Tales of Tolvenia.

Everyone gets 3 XP, except Jaren and Haley, who get 4 XP for their successful rockflower-growing plan.

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2 Responses to Tales of Tolvenia, Chapter Nine, Part Two

  1. Haneul Na'avi says:

    I didn’t realise that you blogged the happenings of your ToT campaigns. This is very interesting, and I’d like to read more in depth as the campaign progresses. Best of Luck!

  2. Sean May says:

    Thanks. All the session records to date are on the blog as well as a little information about the world and increasingly out of date rules. Check back every week for the latest exploits of the Order of the Shtik. Or I can include you in the Facebook event invitations.

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