Tales of Tolvenia, Chapter Ten, Part Three

Date: 11 October 2011. Present: Andy (Dolo), Eric (Goblina), Matthew (Jaren) and Zach (Haley).

On their fourth day underground, the party encountered a cave that had the tracks of what looked like a larger than usual rishtuk. Amongst the bones strewn across the cave floor were the remains of a humanoid – a dwarf, as it turned out. There were four exits from this cave, two at the lower level and two above.

Goblina began work on a spell that would cover the party in the illusion of cave walls. Meanwhile, Dolo began investigating the other lower exit from the cave. He crept up on a beast. Being unable to perceive in the dark, he recruited Malack for help. They saw that it was a giant (medium size) rishtuk bearing similar mutations to the tree near Treston and the eels in the Ironbourne.

They attacked. The Vilstrithiani-mutated rishtuk made short work of Dolo and Malack fled to tell the others to get out of there. Most of the rest of the party, ignoring this advice, advanced down the tunnel to fight for their companion. Dolo clung to life by the skin of his teeth. Then Zirg emerged from Dolo’s backpack and expertly aimed a conjured heavy cage on the Rishtuk, trapping it.

Jaren then used his Nature magic to cast a permanent enchantment of Control Animal on the beast, commanding it to attack only what he (Jaren) attacks. In addition to the Anima cost of this spell, Jaren permanently sacrificed Anima to make it happen.

Everyone present gets 3 XP, while Malack and Zirg get 1 apiece.

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